Strategic, cost-effective guidance: Understanding the fractional workforce


Thirty years ago, a company’s executive leadership team looked very different. More likely than not the team was made up […]

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Save time and increase efficiency: Busting common Direct Sourcing misconceptions – Part 3


When discussing Direct Sourcing, the topic of time to fill comes up pretty consistently. Companies want to know how long […]

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Direct Sourcing leaders offer free interactive experience of AI-powered hiring tool


TalentNet’s newest experience allows users to test drive TalentNavigator, the latest feature addition in their Direct Source platform. Toronto, Canada, […]

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How Talent Communities compare to Talent Pools in Direct Sourcing


Relationship building is at the heart of any Direct Sourcing strategy. Without consistent engagement, clear communication and company-wide buy-in, creating […]

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Maximizing Cost Savings and Time Efficiency with Direct Sourcing: Busting Common Misconceptions – Part 2


There’s an easy way to tell successful companies apart from those struggling to compete.  Ask them what they consider their […]

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Crafting your career- why Curators matter and how candidates should connect


Candidates in today’s workforce are seeking more than just an open position; they’re searching for a good fit. According to […]

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Building better talent communities in an employer-led market: How to create a strong value proposition


Employers are seeing an interesting change happening as workers and businesses alike battle an uncertain economic climate. With fewer positions […]

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Conquering an uphill battle – How talent mapping helps companies avoid skill shortages


Three years ago, a recruiter’s biggest challenge was finding candidates during a world-wide talent shortage.  In 2021 and 2022, employers […]

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The truth about Direct Sourcing – Busting common misconceptions


The hiring process has changed dramatically in the last 30 years. In the 1990s, online job boards revolutionized talent acquisition, […]

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The future of talent acquisition: How AI has changed the hiring game


The world changed on November 30 2022.  That was the day OpenAI launched ChatGPT, a generative AI platform that has […]

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Who’s behind the screen? Understanding the contingent workforce


The contingent workforce has revolutionized how companies find and retain talent. According to Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA), contingent workers made […]

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Creating a smoother hiring process through seamless UI upgrades


TalentNet’s latest Game Boosters focus on improving user experience to create a more efficient platform. This quarter, we have five […]

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What’s in it for me? Why a talent value proposition is key to any Direct Sourcing strategy


Talent is the lifeblood of any successful organization. Sourcing and retention are two key pillars for cementing and advancing any […]

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Part 1 – Curation at its best: How to build strong talent pools through employer branding


A company’s brand is its most valuable resource. This explains why Direct Sourcing curators who leverage employer branding are more […]

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Talent acquisition 2.0: How talent mapping leads to better hires and long-term retention


Hiring managers are facing a unique challenge as the workplace landscape continues to evolve.  63% of recruiters admit their biggest […]

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Building successful talent pools with former employees


As the employment landscape continues to change, companies are forced to make difficult decisions to ensure long-term growth. In the […]

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Working together for a better experience: How engaged hiring managers can improve the hiring process


Hiring managers play a vital role in any successful talent acquisition strategy. While curators often own the hiring process, it’s […]

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TalentNet Named Best Frontline-Focused Solution by HR Tech Awards


Talent Acquisition innovator recognized for creative, client-focused solutions  Toronto, Canada, May 24, 2023 ⁠— TalentNet, a leader in the Direct […]

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Part 3: Fostering talent communities at the enterprise level: Why some companies fail while others succeed


Talent communities play an essential role in a business’s long-term hiring process. Without a significant investment in building talent pipelines, […]

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Part 2: The vital role of Curators in the Talent Community – High-quality talent curation


If hiring is a battle, then Curators are a company’s boots on the ground.  Talent is an essential commodity, and […]

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Part 1: Perfecting the candidate experience for building a successful Talent Community


Our three-part series explores the importance of a positive candidate experience in talent acquisition, specifically focusing on how to build […]

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A time-saving experience – understanding our latest Game Boosters


As TalentNet continues to upgrade our platform, our focus this quarter is on time-saving features, allowing you to improve efficiency […]

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TalentNet announces breakthrough AI innovation utilizing GPT-3 to write, enrich and optimize job descriptions


Our latest AI innovation using GPT-3 utilizes cutting-edge AI to write, enrich and optimize job descriptions. Toronto, Canada, March 6, […]

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Hopeful for better data protection: Why the ADPPA is a great start?


As the use of AI becomes prevalent in talent acquisition software, along with a plethora of other industries, the question […]

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