Creating a smoother hiring process through seamless UI upgrades

TalentNet’s latest Game Boosters focus on improving user experience to create a more efficient platform.

This quarter, we have five newly released features that help create an easier, more intuitive interface. 

Creating a seamless experience with enhanced UI upgrades

Our team has upgraded a variety of user experience features to create an easier work process. Candidate cards, job cards and registration / log in pages were updated with a variety of new features. 

Candidate Cards:

Changes include:

  • A quick view allowing users to see candidate info, which can be pinned
  • The ability to pin add candidates to a talent pool, send messages or add notes
  • A kills display with a match bar showing the candidate’s job match percentage

These cards can be viewed through the Talent Community page, the Talent Pool page, and the Applicants section of the job page.

Job cards:

With the new redesign, candidates can:

  • Enjoy a cleaner look and easy-to-use experience
  • Post job titles, location, preferred location type, work type and a position’s required skills/date the position was posted

Candidates can still apply to jobs in as little as one click. 

Registration/Login updates:

The TalentCommunity Registration page and workflow also received a facelift to improve both the look and experience for candidates. 

How this will up your game: These UI upgrades will help clients quickly access key information while creating an intuitive, positive experience for TalentCommunity users.

2. VMS Submission upgrade creates an easier user journey

TalentNet recently simplified our VMS submission process, reducing the chances of candidate information input errors between TalentBench and the VMS.

As the submission process can take a significant amount of time, our team added a progress-bar that allows users to track progress. We’ve also added the option to include the candidate’s full legal name if different from their preferred name used to create their profile. 

For example: Mike instead of Michael. Our recent changes to address this issue include:

A new legal name field in each candidate profile. If this field is in use on a candidate profile, the legal name will be automatically pre-populated as part of the VMS submission process. This field can be edited both on the VMS submission page and the candidate’s profile page either by the candidate themselves or the Curator. The legal name can now be found in the list view as well.

Users can now filter and search using a candidate’s legal name or preferred name. 

How this will up your game: Our upgrade helps companies better understand and expedite the VMS submission process, allowing for a more efficient hiring process.  

3) Simplify the hiring process through our new Workplace Type feature

This feature is available for both TalentCommunity and TalentBench users. 

TalentCommunity users can now let Curators know their workplace preferences through their profile settings.

TalentBench users will be able to filter candidate profiles based on Workplace Type preference, which includes Remote, Hybrid, or On-Site. Candidate preferences can be viewed in sidesheets or in the candidate profile.

TalentBench users can also add Workplace Types to jobs. The Workplace Type will be visible on the job list, the job main page and for TalentCommunity users.

Workplace Type will influence our job match feature, allowing candidates to be matched to positions based on whether they have indicated they are interested in any or all Workplace Types attached to the job. 

How this will up your game: This feature allows your company to save time and increase efficiency by focusing on candidates who are a better fit for each position.

Better UI for a smoother experience

Our team’s latest updates allow curators to seamlessly interact with our interface. This quarter’s features include several UI upgrades to enhance usability. Book a virtual tour here for more information. 

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